Thursday, November 13, 2008

fashion babylon - an insight to the fashion world...

whilst browsing in kinokuniya, searching for another management book to buy & put on my shelf of book-i-should-read-but-have-not...i saw this book, Fashion Babylon. flipped through it. and it looked like a novel. so what is it doing under 'Management'?? could this be the first "management" book i will finally read and finish? ;)

written by imogen edwards-jones, who writes on behalf of Anonymous, a small-time fashion designer trying to make it big in the world of fashion.

the synopsis promised me an insight into the fashion world. and that, it did.

the sex, drugs & alcohol was largely expected. but the plagiarism (gasp!) is another thing.

i won't give the story away... but seriously?...taking a M&S shirt and changing the label...and then selling it at 500% more? that's daylight robbery!

i do urge you to read this book. it tells (in a story-like manner!) the life of a fashion designer trying to climb up the fashion ladder. the truths about other fashion designers. the crazy mark-ups. the non-sales that make it to TKMaxx. the short cuts they take that make it to the runway. the models and their crazy lives.

it's a good read. and definitely an inspiration to any who would like to pursue this line.
definitely my book of the year.


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