Friday, November 21, 2008


oh! im on a roll!! its friday and im cutting my lunch short so that i can write in here!

i just LOVE chiffons. its light weight fabric gives that elegant and floating appearence to the dress or top. when you put it on, everything just fall into places...and when you move it has that natural...flow.. makes you feel like you're gliding through the clouds..*sigh*

*dreamy look* i wish i have a closet full of chiffon dresses and tops. i have a few, but not enough. (not that its ever enough for us girls..hehehe). the best part is it never goes out of style. it goes with practically everything. wear it with jeans, you'll get that casual yet posh look. on a slightly more formal occasion, wear it with pants.. uuu..glam-ness!
those chiffon dresses.. TO DIE FOR! especially with puff sleeves or frills..oh! i LOVE frills!! but don't over do it ladies! hehehe..
but the one thing i don't like about chiffon is.. flip the lable at it will say HAND WASH ONLY or DRY CLEAN ONLY.. oh man! the cost of maintaining it is more than the price of the garment! oh well..nothings perfect right.
keep it glamorous,
miss glam chic

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